If you have insurance, your insurance company may also have a list of providers in your area. Learn more about finding a health care provider. One example is breast pain. Pain is more common with benign breast conditions than with breast cancer, but the only way to know for sure is to get it checked.
Or, you can download, type and save it on your computer, tablet or phone during a telehealth visit using an app such as Adobe. Plenty of space and a notes section are provided to jot down answers to the questions. There are other Questions to Ask Your Doctor resources on many different breast cancer topics you may wish to download.
See a health care provider if you notice any of these warning signs of breast cancer see pictures [ ]:. Pain in your breasts may be related to your menstrual period. Learn more about the warning signs of breast cancer.
Learn more about benign breast conditions. Learn more about breast cancer diagnosis. Learn more about finding a health care provider. However, since sometimes these tumors enlarge with pregnancy and breastfeeding, your provider may suggest having it surgically removed. While most fibroadenomas do not lead to cancer, there is a type of fibroadenoma that has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, particularly in women with a family history of the disease.
Fat necrosis is a condition in which painless, round, firm lumps caused by damaged and disintegrating fatty tissues form in the breast tissue. Fat necrosis often occurs in women with very large breasts or who have had a bruise or blow to the breast. This condition may also be the result of a lumpectomy and radiation from a prior cancerous lump. In some cases, healthcare providers will watch the lump through several menstrual cycles.
He or she may want to do a mammogram before deciding whether to remove it. These lumps are not cancerous and they do not increase your risk of cancer. Sclerosing adenosis is excess growth of tissues in the breast's lobules. This often causes breast pain. While these changes in the breast tissue are very small, they may show up on mammograms as calcifications and can make lumps. Usually a biopsy is needed to rule out cancer. In addition, because the condition can be mistaken for cancer, the lumps are usually removed through surgical biopsy.
Health Home Conditions and Diseases. What are some common types of benign breast lumps? What is an abscess? What is a cyst? How are cysts diagnosed and treated?
What is a fibroadenoma?