How can you extreme coupon in canada

Geroux also uses printable and mail-to-home coupons to help score deals. She offers a guide on how to use coupons successfully on her blog, Extreme Couponing Mom. Beyond using coupons and apps, Geroux also uses more traditional techniques at the grocery store, such as buying store brand products and swapping in frozen or canned produce when fresh becomes too expensive.

She said she knows she is a careful shopper but that doesn't mean she compromises on the food she buys. Her family continues to eat well. It can also help when you start planning your household budget since you'll be more used to planning your spending and cutting unnecessary costs. While using a coupon can help you limit your necessary expenses, it can also help you get more used to cutting unnecessary expenses.

However, the self-enforced discipline that comes with planning shopping trips around your coupons might also help you break this and other bad spending habits.

By creating a coupon and needs-based shopping list and sticking to it , you can cut unnecessary spending. However, even taking a page or two from their book can help cut down on grocery store purchases. Here are six couponing tips to consider. When couponing, you should zero in on items you normally purchase. Coupon matching is the art of using a coupon on an item that is already on sale or clearance.

This guarantees you the lowest price possible! Coupon stacking is using more than one coupon on a single item. For example, you may be able to stack a manufacturer coupon and a store coupon to maximize your savings.

However, this "extreme couponing Canada" trick isn't always available — check the next tip for more info! You want couponing to be fun, and nothing ruins that like an embarrassing checkout experience.

There are even some specifically designed for coupons that allow you to organize them by date never let a good coupon expire! Using one will make separating and keeping track of coupons much easier and make checkout much simpler, too. If you do, be sure to constantly rotate your stockpile so the oldest items are at the front. This helps to reduce the likelihood of spoilage.

On the other hand, if you have the space, stocking up on non-perishable sale items you know you will eventually use makes good sense. It can help to take stock of what you have and compare that to what you need.

For example, are you starting to run short on soup, paper towels, or other daily necessities? Do you have a big stack of some frozen food that will take you weeks or months to work through?

Wondering where you can take part in extreme couponing in Canada? You can clip them the old-fashioned way — or you can use one of the many Canadian coupon sites offering manufacturer coupons, grocery store coupons, and more. Looking to save a buck really quick? Going online to some Canadian couponing websites can provide some really great deals fairly quickly:.

Help others in need. Pay it forward. If you do good, good will come to you. Becoming an extreme couponer is hard. It takes a lot of time, and it can be stressful. You have to find coupons, clip coupons, organize coupons, plan shopping trips, go shopping and put everything away. There will be great big hauls and there will be very small hauls.

Expect that. If you want to be extreme, couponing becomes a job. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family by clicking one of the social share buttons below or at the top-right of this post! Cassie Howard has taught many Canadians how to save money and live frugally — without sucking the fun out of life. Cassie is currently a business coach for women entrepreneurs that want to grow a successful, service-based, online business, making six-figures or more.

I totally agree with you…….. We have very different coupons than what is offered in the USA. I only use coupons for what i will use, and stockpile mostly to share with my adults kids and some friends. I have introduced coupons to a few friends that are single moms, but find that most people just assume that i am like the extreme couponing ladies on the show, which i am not. I love your web site and ideas etc……….

Here is my biggest issue with coupons. Although I am a believer in couponing, the issue is pretty much all of the coupons are for a brand name product. The price of a no-name product is cheaper even with a coupon. Therefore this makes the coupon worthless considering coupons have an expiry date. Keep up the good work — your site is awesome.

I really enjoy couponing and finding great deals. The show extreme couponing was amazing but I do agree with Cassie on how they did it. I sometimes find great deals. That is my idea of extreme couponing. My 5 yr old daughter is even getting excitted over finding coupons now…so cute. Good for you! I find it a major rush when I go shopping and get great deals too! And awww so adorable that your daughter gets excited about finding coupons.

I hope Elliott is that way! Samantha — I will have a blog post every Thursday usually in the evening, sometimes earlier. I want to start by saying thanks to Cassie, because your tips are incredibly useful and have helped me a lot!

So far the best deal I got was getting a bag of pasta for 24 cents, because it was on sale plus I had a coupon. I was super excited about it hahahahah. That show both irritates and fascinates me at once.

Some of the people are noble. The one black woman who was teaching everyone about couponing…. The lady who bought 77 bottles of mustard and cleared the shelf……. If these people were saying that they were donating things to the food bank that would be amazing. The worst was the obese lady with the extremely red face.

She is bordering on a mental illness. I would bet my retirement savings that she will be living in a hoard of expired food in 10 years, divorced and obese. She disturbed me to no end. I dont understand how you get toilet paper for free if it is on sale for 5.

Are you allowed to use more than 1 coupon? I agree that the lady buying 77 bottles of mustard is out of her mind. I was wondering if there was a coupon website that allows multiple accounts on the same household. I know Save. Everything in one place coupon tips, organizing, financial tips, etc I have no reason to visit other sites!

Theresa — I agree. It also irritates and fascintes me, both at the same time. Perhaps she actually ordered all of those bottles of mustard and the store had them in boxes for her, but the show wanted to show her taking them off the shelf.

I know that they did that with Nathan last time, when he bought over toothbrushes. I agree with you about that one lady who took over her husbands space with her stockpile. She will definetely become a hoarder in no time. Tia — She probably had other items that gave her overage and the overage would pay for the mustard. Melanie — Unfortunetely, no. And thank you for the compliment!

I really appreciate that. You did a great job explaining how we shop in Canada and each Province has different stores and discount available. Im in BC and have London Drugs, who allows you to stack coupon and get free items. Also with Walmarts new coupon rule , you can use an overage to get money back in your pocket or apply it to other items that you are buying. I know i will do this to get milk and other food items. Sometimes it being in the right place at the right time when things are on sale.

As Cassie has said, its takes work to do this , but a little saving here and there can add up fast. Lattelady — Yes, it is definetely getting better with the new WM coupon policy and for those of you that are lucky enough to have a LD nearby! I agree that most of the time, deals come from being in the right place at the right time.

We may not have seen certain purchases. Now, if she had a website and posted her list we could see! Extreme Couponing is how I came to your site, being a Canadian and all. I never realised how much I could save with coupons! The segments are staged for maximum effect. I mean, what store would let a customer hog a cash register while waiting for her five friends to show to get extradiscounts? LPC — Yep, the stores definetely bend the rules on that show, all for some free publicity.

Then my co-worker starting talking about how she wants to use more coupons, so I decided to open up and tell them both what sites to go to to order their coupons, and where else they can find coupons. So it was nice to know they both thought couponing is awesome, and want to start doing it! So even though this show is unrealistic of what couponing is like here in Canada, I think it is breaking down the stigma barriers about couponing.

My family and I use mustard all the time. That being said, thank you so much for all the valuable tips and links. The effort is definately worth it. I am not totally clear on the whole coupon thing. I have managed to get a bunch, and my last shopping trip mananged to save over 60 dollars with coupons and two items where the wrong price so i got for free. But say i go to Walmart and i have a 3 dollar off purex coupon and a buy one get one free purex coupon can i use them both on the same purchase?

I have always been about budgeting carfully, making lists trying to spend the least and always going for sales. I live in sault ste. I signed up to save. I just did a major haul, and got several hundred cans of Campbells soup.

From there I had to wait for a good sale on it. Then I price matched at Walmart. Now, once I got to Walmart I had even more work to do. I had to load the soup into the cart. Then I got to the checkout. I was very friendly, and informed her I was price matching, and had coupons. Explain as best you can what the coupons mean if they ask any questions. Be polite and pleasant.

Always compliment them in some way. The clerks appreciate organization. Then each product is stored in its own envelope with the name written on it. Be prepared to produce extra coupons if needed. Most people are more interested than annoyed, and if time is an issue they go to another aisle. I love your blog. I think these tips are very helpful. This site is amazing. I have been a small time couponer and frugal shopper for years.

Long before TLC and extreme couponing. The show has taught me to always buy the smallest size allowable and also to always, always, always double up by using my coupon when the item is on sale. These two key rules have allowed me to take my couponing to a whole new level.


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