Examples can be found in the lesson plans below. Have students use the steps to summarize something they read in their local newspaper or in a magazine, a part of the school handbook, or a passage from a textbook. If you are working with younger students, work together to summarize a biography or any factual material that you have displayed in your classroom. Cross out sentences that are not necessary or that are redundant to help them pull out what is crucial to the message of the piece.
Mark key words and phrases and jot down notes about the main idea. Instruct students to look for signal words such as therefore, in conclusion, or in summary. Then, have them reread the text and write a summary paragraph. In the summary, students should state the text's main idea in the first sentence and include the most important information. Be sure that students have not included any opinions of their own or sentences word-for-word from the original text.
TeacherVision Staff. Learn and apply this key writing technique Summarizing is more than retelling; it involves analyzing information, distinguishing important from unimportant elements and translating large chunks of information into a few short cohesive sentences. This article outlines how students can use summarizing to improve their writing, and presents helpful tips and tricks for teachers on how to teach the concepts effectively.
New teachers will find this resource particularly valuable. Language Arts and Writing. Teaching Resource. Teaching Strategies:. New Teacher Resources. Manage My Favorites. An example of summarizing is to write a three to four sentence description that covers all the main points of a story or poem.
Summarizing helps students to learn the technique of taking out the most important ideas from a text. They also learn to ignore irrelevant information that is present in the text, and students with these skills are capable of integrating the central ideas in a meaningful way from any theory or conceptual write-up.
Students who are learning how to summarize, improve their memory abilities, and become more skillful in the process. Summarizing strategies is adopted in almost every area of studies or industry. It acts as a great help for students to learn how to determine essential ideas and find out different details that can support those ideas and make them more useful. It helps the students to improve their focusing skills so that they can focus on phrases and keywords from the assigned long text.
They focus on parts that are worth noting or remembering. A student learns how to convert a large text into a small text. The short text has to comprise all the main points that are in the long text for a proper and concise understanding.
As we all know, summarizing is the process of converting a larger text into its shorter version by retaining the main ideas from the larger text in the shorter version.
This chapter of summarizing is an important one. Students learn how to summarize a big text into a smaller one by understanding the following steps. Read the text to be summarized carefully to understand it. Keep in mind the purpose of the text by reviewing specific questions such as:. Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Summarizing.
Guthrie, J. Sweet Eds. New York: Guilford. Classroom Strategies Summarizing. Background Summarizing teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding. Benefits Summarizing builds comprehension by helping to reduce confusion. Create and use the strategy Pre-select and introduce the text to be used in the Summarizing technique.
Begin by reading OR have students listen to the text selection. Ask students to write a summary of the target text based on the following framework questions: What are the main ideas? What are the crucial details necessary for supporting the ideas?