The benefits of a long training session is that you'll become, over time, more knowledgeable about what Catholics believe and why. Getting a cheap copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church would be a great start. This will give you more of an opportunity to clear up misperceptions about what the Church teaches among non-Catholic and anti-Catholic family members and friends. Check out my favorites page. You'll appreciate the reasoning more.
You said: I was also married before for two years. The Church would have to check on the validity of any previous marriage. These paragraphs from the Catechism will give you the mind of the Church, on this issue:. Matrimonial Consent. If consent is lacking there is no marriage. This consent that binds the spouses to each other finds its fulfillment in the two becoming one flesh.
Genesis ; cf. Matthew ; Ephesians Code of Canon Law, canon No human power can substitute for this consent. If this freedom is lacking the marriage is invalid. Code of Canon Law, canons In this case the contracting parties are free to marry, provided the natural obligations of a previous union are discharged. The presence of the Church's minister and also of the witnesses visibly expresses the fact that marriage is an ecclesial reality.
Several reasons converge to explain this requirement: cf. The example and teaching given by parents and families remain the special form of this preparation. The role of pastors and of the Christian community as the family of God is indispensable for the transmission of the human and Christian values of marriage and family, cf. It is imperative to give suitable and timely instruction to young people, above all in the heart of their own families, about the dignity of married love, its role and its exercise, so that, having learned the value of chastity, they will be able at a suitable age to engage in honorable courtship and enter upon a marriage of their own.
Mike [ Related posting ]. About AskACatholic. Mass and Adoration. When the first one was baptized he told her that he could not sign the baptism papers with all the info about regular church attendance and crossed same off before signing figuring he would be rejected as godfather. He was accepted and we were never sure how. She asked me to be godmother and insisted I could although I am Jewish and I told her that kept me from same and very annoyed finally found someone to be same.
She has no one else and her church is giving her a hard time about this saying that it has to be family member or close friend. Her husband is also Jewish and they have no friends. What happens in a situation like this? We are afraid that she has again filled in and forged the paperwork and husband will refuse to sponsor his niece as he does not want to lie to God. It is tearing him and his sister apart — they are their only family other than their spouses and her children and spouses families.
He is now telling me that maybe we should just not go. Sad sad sad. This is why so many now stray from Catholicism. My neigew asked me to be his sponsor for his confirmation. I never made mine only baptism and first communion. I go to church every Sunday at a Christian church and my pastor would confirm me. I was told by my nephews Catholic Church or religion coordinator it was not accepted.
God is God. The belief is the same. I understand. Oh and I am my other nephews God parent which I just read are supposed to have received all three sacraments. Well I have received two of them but that slide by somehow?
Holy Eucharist is very different in the Catholic Church as one receives the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. Also, Confirmation in the Catholic Church is celebrated by a Bishop, who can trace his roots for lack of better explanation , to the apostles. They have to be at an appropriate age like at a young mature age. I got confirmed when I was 13 almost I was baptised, made my holly communion but didnt take it any further.
Am now at the age of 24 making my comfamation, i spoke to my priest of my parish about this he was very happy that i wanted to take this step iv been attending meetings to prepare myself for this commitment and i honestly can say i can not wait and am excited :. Visit a roman catholic church in the area where you live and they will be able to help you prepare for the sacrament of confirmation.
Is it a pre requisite that a parent must attend a recollection before his or her child can have a confirmation rites? I am seriously confused. I had to transfer my kids to a different church. My son is doing his Confirmation this year. All 3 instances she has been married through city hall with the same man. She is not married through the church because he is not Catholic.
But my sister is bringing up her children in the Catholic Church. My son refuses to do his confirmation with some stranger. I understand him. Olga, first of all, changing the kids from one program to another, is not a solution to your dilemma, what this creates is more confusion and the loss of enthusiasm in your kids to get confirmed. The problem lies more in poor educating of the Catholic lay people and misunderstandings.
When Saul was converted and became Paul he was feared and distrusted by the early Christians because he previously was huniting them down to persecute them. That was the 1st recorded sponsor! As for a non Catholic being the godmother that is not uncommon. This is not true. I am a practicing Christian and I am not allowed to be a sponsor without being a practicing Catholic.
Question: To be Confirmed, do I have to be in a valid marriage? I am married to a non-Catholic that has never been baptized. We were not married by the church. Will we need to get our marriage validated first? You may also need to receive absolution through the Sacrament of reconciliation for staying away for so long, missing mass etc.
But you should be able to be confirmed without convalidation. But I suspect I may be prpregnant should I wait to do it. Or does that cancel the chance of doing it? Congrats on your pregnancy it is wonderful to be a mother. However, I believe that you will be told to wait until after the baby is born.
If you are not married, you will have to go to confession and discuss this situation with the priest. It also means that you have had sexual relations, and you know God created that act for married persons, then if you are married that is fine. Go have a chat with the priest he will lead you to recieve the Holy Spirit.
Stay close to God. My daughter is now in the process if getting her holy communion and would love to do it with her,I was told all I need to do is go through confession? Talk to your priest or parish RCIA director, they may want you to do a bit more. You will definitely need to go to Reconciliation. But please do not let that be the reason for not going to Mass. Remember, you can always go to Mass, and then go up for a blessing by crossing your hands across your heart.
Is it too late to be confirmed now? I totally understand where you are coming from! I am soon to be 53 years old and am excited to say I will be Confirmed next month! I was baptized and received my first communion but never confirmed. Like you, I also felt a calling and a need to do this. My recommendation is to find a local Catholic Church you are comfortable with by attending mass and then contact their Adult Christian Formation leader.
Many churches begin classes in Aug. You will not regret this decision and, most likely, will meet several others just like you. I have learned so much through the classes and have also formed great friendships. This year was my first confession since my very first confession 46 years ago.
I believe if you start classes soon, you may be confirmed during the Easter season! How awesome is that? Also, there is a list of all the Saints on Catholic.
Good luck to you! Attend a mass or two this weekend Sat. Peace be with you,. Do I have to do my first communion? She struggles in school, always has a tutor and my question is: is this a requirement of confirmation? However, because working toward this exam might well be a very valuable part of the preparation for many of the candidates, it falls on you to let those running the program know that your daughter has these challenges.
I doubt they would want to do anything to make her feel inadequate. In our program I make it clear that if any aspect of our program proves to be an issue for anyone, they should be sure to let us know.
I really mean that! As one of our priests a Canon Lawyer once said — we owe these students Confirmation by virtue of their baptism. Hi Annie, My daughter who is 15, is being confirmed soon. The problem is, we are not in a town where she has had a Catholic role model to sponsor her.
We are in an area where unfortunately, the church is suffering…my daughter is literally, the only child in the church, with a very elderly population and in another town from ours. If I cannot be her sponsor, does she in fact, need to be sponsored?
For example, the Bishop used to Confirm, but now it is our local priest, due to the declining attendance. I am 59 years old I live in the UK and was baptized in to the Catholic Church as a baby but was never confirmed, I have been drawn back to attending Church for the last year, I am self employed so can take time to attend mass just about every morning in whatever town I am working in.
I dont belong to any parish and attend many different churches, I dont take communion as I have not been confirmed and I would dearly love to be able to do so. As someone who does not have a regular Church and belongs to no parish what are my options. As I understand it, if you are a Catholic who is not in a state of mortal sin, you can receive the Eucharist — confirmed or not. Or confession times will be listed on the bulletin.
You can usually find confession guides by the confessional or online. Confirmed or not. As far as being confirmed goes — wait and grab ahold of a priest after Mass at any Catholic Church, or call the church and talk to him.
Catholic means universal. The priest will tell you where to go from there and make help you arrangements that will fit your needs. An annulment is the catholic way of ending a marriage; it has nothing to do with entering the catholic faith. As a point of clarity, annulments do not end marriage, but rather they declare that the marriage had never been valid, and therefore never existed in the first place.
Does someone who is to be a Godparent need to be Catholic? They have been baptized in water under Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
But not under Catholic. You may want to update your information to include that you must now pass a written and oral exam to be confirmed otherwise you may not be allowed to be confirmed. Lucy, this may not be applicable every where. I know in the Diocese of Covington where I have prepared 8th graders for Confirmation for many years there is no such written or oral exam required for Confirmation.
My take on this is that once we get confirmed it is a life long journey and continue to deepen our Faith and live the way Jesus would want us to live, so no exam should determine weather or not we should get confirmed. Thank you, I am preparing an 81 year old lady with not much English and unwell, through the RCIA programme and your answers are short and simple and this will help me to pass on the crux of the matter to her. Thanks E. Curiius why Catholics refer to the gifts of the Holy Spirit as referenced in the Old Testament rather than the gifts of the spirit as stated in Corinthians?
Your email address will not be published. Sign me up for the newsletter! Skip to content New here? Contents show. Who can receive Confirmation? What is Catholic Confirmation? Who administers Confirmation? How many times can one be Confirmed? What is the matter and form of Confirmation? What are the effects of Confirmation? What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? Where is this sacrament found in Scripture? The following seven steps contributed to the reconciliation of my relationship, and I hope they do the same for yours.
It is possible for perfect and imperfect contrition to be experienced simultaneously. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home How long does it take to get confirmed in Catholic Church? Ben Davis May 16, How long does it take to get confirmed in Catholic Church? What are the elements of confirmation? What is the most important part of confirmation? What is a symbol for confirmation? What are the rituals for confirmation?
What gifts do you give for confirmation? Do you give presents for confirmation? How much money do you give for Catholic confirmation?