Is it normal for gauges to swell

One Yahoo user isn't going to let a little ear infection get in the way of their totally sick body modification. I cleaned it with h2ocean and it stopped oozing. I'm thinking tonight i will sleep with it out then tomorrow I'll put in a smaller size. Does this sound good? Who doesn't love a good prank? Tom Matthews, a fellow from England, is probably the one guy who doesn't care for your shenanigans, at least not since someone padlocked his ear to a fence while he was having a cigarette.

He wrote on Facebook : "Literally having a fag out back literally they came out heard a click turned round realized there [sic] was a padlock on my ear and tried to chase em. It's been said before, but that doesn't make it any less true: if you don't think that your ears are ready to be stretched, then don't do it. And if you're prone to infections then maybe stretching your ears isn't for you, but Redditor seinlait isn't having any of that helpful information and they're not going to let a " liquidy and gross " earlobe stop them.

It hurt like a bitch, but since I needed the taper to stretch my left ear, I put a silicone tunnel in. I didn't manage to do the left one until the next day because it was too painful I know I should have stopped once the pain became too much but I just got too excited.

Today my right ear was extremely painful. The entire lobe was red. Admittedly this isn't an ear gauging horror story, it's actually something much worse - a nose gauging horror story. When Redditor PouringBeard moved from an 8ga to 4ga in his nose, he entered into a world of pain. These are the long, spiky things you put into your piercings to start stretching out the skin. They come in various sizes or gauges , depending on how much you want to stretch out your piercing.

Most tapers are acrylic or steel. Many people recommend steel tapers because they slide through the piercing easier. Cheaper tapers and cheaper plugs are often of unknown quality and may irritate the ears, slowing the healing process. Plugs are the round jewelry you put in to keep your ear stretched.

Plenty of jewelry shops sell commercial-grade lubricant, but you can also use plant-based lubricants, like coconut oil or jojoba oil. Try not to use any lubricants that have chemicals or additives in them, as these could irritate or infect your piercing. If you stretch your ears too much and too fast, you can tear or injure your ear cartilage. If you do, you may have torn or damaged your ear skin. This can result in permanent scarring.

Stretching too quickly can tear your ear tissue in half or cause earlobe skin to detach and hang from your head. Stretching too quickly or not taking care of your ear may also result in an infection. I recently stretched my left ear to an inch and it's really red and swollen. The pain comes and goes and I've been taking ibuprofen and it helps. I stretched it on Tuesday. I was wondering what I should do to help ease the pain?

It isn't crusting or You probably just went too quickly and stretched a bit before it was ready. I would go back down to My left ear is swollen after stretching my ears from a 4g to 2g but they dont hurt its just swollen?

It is normal to have a bit of swelling after stretching your ears. However, if you notice signs of blood I've been stretching my ear lobes over a course of three years, just recently, I've stretched my ear lobes to fit a size 4 gauge. The former size was 6 gauge and I had some trouble Soak it in sea salt without iodine and hot water for as long as you can take it I stretched up I put the taper in Friday and gradually moved it in over a couple of days and I just put it in fully now.. My ear lobe is swollen and a little sore what's the best Ear kinda swollen from stretching?

Why does the inside of my left ear feel swollen? Lube up your ears and also the taper. Then just insert the taper all the way up to the base of the bigger side. If it takes you a few minutes to get it through it is ok, you don't have to rush it. Once it is through then just take your plugs and follow through after the taper. Once you get to a larger size generally around 0 gauge then using the tape wrapping method is a good option to use for stretching and it is the method almost everyone uses over 1 inch.

The way that the tape wrapping method works is you take a set of plugs of your current size and do wraps of tape around your plugs to slowly increase the size of your piercing. It's highly recommended to use a set of single flare tunnels for each size you use this method with since you can wrap the tape around your plugs and tuck the excess into the back of the tunnels. See picture below What's good about the tape wrapping method is that you can really take your time and slowly increase the size of your piercing without the healing issues of tapers.

Just do wraps every week and generally after about months you will be up to the next size. It's a lot slower than using tapers but it is a really efficient and gradual way to stretch with minimal risk. There are 2 main types of tape that are the best to use. PTFE is a great and inexpensive tape that you can use to stretch. The good things about it is that it is very good in price, non-adhesive so it only sticks to itself, super thin so you can slowly increase your size, and it doesn't irritate your ears like some tapes do such as electric tape.

Bondage tape is another great tape to use for the tape wrapping method. The good things about bondage tape is that it is self-adhesive so it doesn't stick to your skin, hair, clothes, etc , it is 2 inches wide so it fits on any wearable area of plugs even really big wearable areas that are often in larger sizes , and it is smooth and easy on your skin.

Though it is more expensive than PTFE tape, it is highly recommended. Stretching your ears too fast and skipping sizes is a common problem that can do some serious damage to your piercings. When you skip sizes and stretch too fast you really are doing more ripping of your skin than actual stretching. Human skin only has a certain elasticity so going too big and too fast is enough to cause ripping and tearing of your skin. It's highly recommended to wait at least a full month between each stretch and to never skip sizes so your ears will have minimal chances for long term problems.

Also the slower you go, the thicker and healthier your ears will be in the long run which is really important if you plan on going to a large size. Blowouts are another common problem that is generally caused by stretching too fast or skipping sizes. The way this problem occurs is when the fistula inside of your piercing is actually forced out through the back of the piercing. A blowout is a small flap of skin that will hang over the edge of your plugs.

Though it is not generally too noticeable if it occurs on the back of your ears, it can limit the type of plugs you wear and you will generally need to wear plugs with a bigger wearable area to allow room for the blowout. If you skip sizes or go to fast on a blowout that has already occurred then it will often continue to get bigger and bigger. The best way to help get rid of a blowout is to take your plugs out immediately after you notice it and downsize sizes smaller so your piercing will start to heal itself.

If you leave the blowout to heal up without downsizing though, then it will generally heal up for good that way and become permanent. There are many ways people have tried getting rid of healed blowouts, but the most common way is to downsize and to use oils like jojoba to help moisturize and soften up your skin.

There is also the option of getting it surgically removed which is highly recommended if you have the funds to do so. Once your ears start to get stretched, a common problem that everyone has is the issue of "ear funk".


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