The figures released by exam regulator Ofqual relate to the summer exam series and show that among the three largest exam boards OCR took the longest to resolve enquiries. A non-priority review of A level marks took almost 22 days when undertaken by OCR, compared to just five for Pearson. Across all exam boards these took an average of 10 days to be completed in The option of retaking the exam is described elsewhere on this site. You can only get a remark through the centre where you took the exam.
That's generally your school or college. You'll need to talk to your teachers anyway to work out whether getting a remark makes sense see below.
The exam centre does all the paperwork with the board. Each exam board has its own procedures, and although they all have to conform to national post-results service rules , procedures can differ. If you sat exams as a private candidate , you can ask the exam board directly under certain limited circumstances. There are two main sorts of remark or Review of Results , and several others that are more important to schools and teachers.
The two options you are likely to have are a clerical check also called Service 1 , and a review of marking Service 2. A clerical check simply involves somebody going through your exam paper adding up all the points the examiner awarded, to check that none were missed. A review of marking involves an examiner looking through your script and checking that it was marked consistently with the mark scheme.
It is not actually remarked from scratch. Scripts are only fully remarked if the exam board decides that a particular marker keeps getting things wrong.
Clerical checks are cheaper to request but much less likely to uncover a mistake, especially now that many scripts are marked online with the totting up done by computer. Confusingly there's also a process called an appeal. This applies only if you have had the results of a remark, and you and your school want to challenge the result. You also have the right to appeal if your school refuses to request a remark for you. There are plus and minus points to getting a remark.
The big plus is of course getting a better grade if the remark works out. The minus points are:. Each case is different, and we strongly advise you to talk to your teachers before getting a remark. Well, neither: many remark requests are from students who have good reason to suspect errors, while nationally, many who might benefit from getting a remark don't ask for one. You can request these services for individual units or components. If the overall subject award grade stays the same — or the student doesn't aggregate process of combining the marks or other units of credit awarded through an assessment scheme — and the qualification is modular: we don't charge if a unit grade changes as a result of a review.
Make a request You can only request a review of marking once for a paper. Fill in the student written consent form from JCQ's post-results services page , and keep it for six months after the outcome of the enquiry or subsequent appeal.
From Autumn , you will receive a copy of the reviewed script as part of the review or priority review of marking service.
AS and A level units are only available in the summer exam session, but you can redo any assessment and we'll automatically take your best unit result when you cash in. If you already have an overall grade for your qualification, you'll need to cash in again to ensure we recalculate your grade. The rules for resubmitting coursework vary by subject so you'll need to check with your teacher to see whether you can improve your existing work or will need to complete a different task.
Pearson UK. Results and certification Post-results services. Edexcel A level. Please note These post-results services are not applicable for August results. Select from the tabs below to find out more about how to: get the marking of your work reviewed get a copy of your marked work. General qualifications post-results service availability by unit UK