T2 weighted mri what is

Mitchell DG, Cohen M. MRI principles. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon. Related articles: Imaging technology. Promoted articles advertising. Loading more images Close Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. Loading Stack - 0 images remaining. By System:. Patient Cases.

This has important clinical value for early articular cartilage degeneration. In addition, it has a strong advantage in the functional study of joints [ 50 ]. Microdamage in the bone and joint is accumulated due to high-intensity training or normal daily activity [ 51 , 52 ].

The burden of microdamage of bone in vivo is determined by the balance of the generation and repair of microdamage [ 53 , 54 ]. It is sensitive to changes in the minimal change of joints and even biochemical changes in the absence of morphological changes [ 12 ]. Microcontusion in the absence of morphological changes in the bone and joint can only be visualized in the local tissue edema physiologically.

It has a high spatial resolution image [ 2 ] for microdamage and is useful in visualizing small anatomical structures with conspicuity in the bone or joint [ 2 ] and in the ligament or meniscus [ 55 , 56 ]. Stelzeneder et al. The tumor has three clinical types, osteolytic type, osteoblastic type, and mixed type, and different tumors have different compositions oftumor body based on its pathology. Breast tumors have their own unique features in the first-pass perfusion images [ 60 ].

The point at the peak of the curves the maximal signal intensity drop rate can present the concentration of the contrast agent.

A year-old female with a fibroadenoma of the right breast. The lesion was confirmed pathologically e1-f1. A year-old female with an invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast. The maximum signal drop rate derived from postprocessing software is The pathology of the lesion is shown in the ductal carcinoma e2-f2. In the same respect, when the oxygenated hemoglobin is deoxygenated, it results in a significant magnetic field inhomogeneity in the vicinity [ 63 ].

First, selecting shorter TR and TE can accelerate the pace of imaging and shorten the time of data collection. Thus, it is easier to monitor inhomogeneous factors, such as bleeding and hemosiderin deposition, that can cause a nonuniformity of the local magnetic field [ 2 ].

Because the gradient echo sequence often uses the low-angle shot, the echo amplitude is often less than that of the SE sequence; thus, the GRE sequence image inherent signal-to-noise ratio is lower compared to the SE sequence.

Therefore, it may be affected by the respiratory mobility in an abdomen MRI examination. In the postprocessing measurement, the results will be different due to the selection of regions of interest ROI. In addition, the choice of parameters is important. For example, the TE echo time cannot be too long or too short. It causes a decrease in the signal intensity of the image and a more obvious deformation for unlimited extension.

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Biomed Res Int v. Biomed Res Int. Published online Apr Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Received Feb 10; Accepted Mar This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Clinical Application 3. Open in a separate window. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Detection and Evaluation of Microbleeds [ 23 ] Cerebral microbleeds CMBs are commonly and frequently encountered in small vessel diseases among elderly people with hypertensive arteriopathy and cerebral amyloid angiopathy [ 24 ].

Figure 4. T1 with Contrast T1-weighting causes the nerve connections of white matter to appear white, and the congregations of neurons of gray matter to appear gray, while CSF appears dark. T2 Weighted T2-weighting causes the nerve connections of white matter to appear gray, and the congregations of neurons of gray matter to appear white, while the CSF appears light. Flair FLAIR is a heavily T2-weighted technique causing the nerve connections of white matter to appear gray, and the congregations of neurons of gray matter to appear white, while the CSF appears dark.

MRI Basics. Physics Fundamentals The physics of magnetic resonance MR imaging are complex and beyond the scope of this chapter, but the concepts required to understand the acquisition and formation of a T2-weighted image will be explained in brief.

This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Damadian R Tumor detection by nuclear magnetic resonance. Hathout G Clinical neuroradiology: a case-based approach. Ying Chen 4 Sumayya J.


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