The circumstances surrounding the charges of illegally concealing a weapon may be confusing. By contacting an experienced criminal defense lawyer, you will get the legal guidance you need and have all of your questions answered regarding the charges against you.
The Gun Control Act is a federal law of the United States that regulates who owns a firearm, who can manufacture and sell firearms, and who can import firearms. Click here. Choose a Legal Category: Family Law. Real Estate and Property Law. Criminal Law. Personal Injury. Defective Products. Intellectual Property. Business and Commercial Law. Please provide a valid Zip Code or City and choose a category.
Please choose a category from the list. Please select a city from the list and choose a category. Please enter a valid zip code or city. Please select a city from the list. Connecting …. Under California law, it is a crime to attempt to commit a criminal act, whether or not you succeed. If you are facing charges of possession, manufacturing, or selling generally prohibited weapons, there are legal defense to raise on your behalf, for example: Lack of knowledge: The prosecutor must prove you knew you possessed, manufactured, or sold the prohibited weapon and you knew the nature of the weapon.
If you did not know you had the weapon in your possession, or that it could have been used as a weapon for unlawful purposes, you should not be convicted. Not a generally prohibited weapon : PC provides a specific list of generally prohibited weapons. If you possessed, manufactured, or sold an item not included in the list, you should not be convicted of a PC violation. Valid permit: In limited circumstances, permits may be issued for possession of certain weapons listed under PC A permit to possess a generally prohibited weapon is a valid legal defense.
In … June 30,