In Securing the Future! In Legend? In a flashback in Trials of a Budding Master! It took part in the preview Battle Dome tournament. It first appeared in Stopping Sableye. It is considered an unusual choice for him as it was not a Fighting-type and it is immune to Fighting moves.
The Hopkinsville aliens are most famous in Japan, where they have appeared in other anime and video games. The ruby, sapphire , and emerald on Sableye's body may be a reference to the three games of the generation it debuted in. Sableye is a combination of sable and eye. It may also be a play on able-eyed. Page actions Article Discussion View source History. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details. Attack :. Defense :. Atk :. Def :. Speed :. For other sprites and images, please see Sableye images on the Bulbagarden Archives. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in.
Mega Sableye. Images on the Bulbagarden Archives. Type Dark. Abilities Keen Eye or Stall Sableye. Cacophony Mega Sableye. Prankster Hidden Ability. Cacophony Hidden Ability. Magic Bounce Mega Sableye. Gender ratio Unknown. Catch rate 45 Breeding Egg Group Human-Like. Hatch time - steps. Height 1'08". Weight Base experience yield 98 Gen. Leveling rate Medium Slow. EV yield Total: 2. Base friendship Sableye normally live deep within caves and eat rocks. They use their sharp claws to dig through the earth.
Living in caves, Sableye digs up gems with its sharp claws, then devours them. A Dark and Ghost type. Sableye's jeweled eyes shine with an eerie light that can strike fear into the spirits of living beings. Generation III. Ruby Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns.
Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks that it eats. It digs branching holes in caves using its sharp claws in search of food—raw gems. A Sableye lurks in darkness and is seen only rarely. It feeds on gemstone crystals. In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the glitter of jewels. Generation IV. Diamond It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones.
It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself. Spite US UM. Telekinesis US UM. Trick US UM. Gravity OR AS. Snatch OR AS. Snore OR AS. Spite OR AS. Trick OR AS. Dark Pulse B2 W2. Fire Punch B2 W2. Foul Play B2 W2. Gravity B2 W2. Ice Punch B2 W2. Icy Wind B2 W2. Knock Off B2 W2. Low Kick B2 W2.
Magic Coat B2 W2. Role Play B2 W2. Signal Beam B2 W2. Sleep Talk B2 W2. Snatch B2 W2. Snore B2 W2. Spite B2 W2. ThunderPunch B2 W2. Trick B2 W2. Wonder Room B2 W2. Zen Headbutt B2 W2. Gravity HG SS. Headbutt HG SS. DynamicPunch E. Endure E. Fire Punch E. Fury Cutter E. Ice Punch E. Mud-Slap E. Nightmare XD. Psych Up E. Sleep Talk E. Snore E. Swagger E XD. In Generations , Sableye has a base experience yield of Here are what abilities Sableye can possibly have, along with their effects.
Sableye will almost always move last. Sableye does not evolve into or from any other species of Pokemon as it is not known for Evolution. How Much Useful is My Sableye? Does Sableye have an evolution? Is Sableye rare in Sapphire? Does Sableye evolve to Genesect? Is Sableye a legendary? Neotendo Wiki Explore.
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