Alternatively, keep the Asari imprisoned by telling Bailey you'll find another solution. He is the Eclipse's second in command and can be found near Garrus. Convince him to take control of Eclipse instead.
As you head back to elevator, Bailey will call to tell you Aria pulled the request to release the prisoner and finishes the quest. If you decide to convince Sayn to take over, there is known glitch on the and the PS3.
Bailey won't call the player and you cannot proceed any farther in the quest. Note: This bug has been fixed on both the and PS3. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What happens if I free Jona Sederis? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Active 9 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 87k times. This time around though, I'm playing a renegade Shepard, and I'm considering freeing Jona.
Improve this question. Mr Smooth Mr Smooth Sayn is apparently plotting to bust his boss out of prison, but you will "remind" him that he's currently running things. You can convince him to let Sederis rot in jail, or to kill her upon her "release". Either way, Sayn will take over. Walk toward the elevator to trigger a conversation with Commander Bailey. The mission is now complete. Whatever the outcome, the Eclipse boss will submit to Aria's authority and the Terminus Fleet War Asset will be updated upon completion.
The player will be rewarded experience, 5, credits and appropriate morality points when the mission is complete. If you decided not to free Sederis and convinced her second-in-command to assume leadership of the Eclipse, there is a bug. After talking to Sayn, if you immediately save and exit the game, upon returning to the game the necessary conversation with C-Sec will not trigger and renders this mission and Aria's tri-mission arc unable to complete.
Side Quest 3 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: DougSwan DougSwan 9 years ago 1 I've checked the c-sec outpost, walked all of the Citadel and he's simply nowhere to be found. Bailey sent me to talk to him and now I can't find him. Why is there no bonus powers unlockables guide?