From the Vault See Another. Monopoly U. English Monopoly is just like the U. You Might Also Like Lost in Translation: Soul. Flower and Jewelry Names for Ladies. Skylander Elements. Hidden Tourist Spots of Europe. Prince Songs by Image. Get up onto the platform and step into the teleporter. There's a key on the left, blow up the explosive barrels to get to it, watch out for the Tech Spell Punk above you. Free the fourth Gillman and teleport out. You'll be shown a Mark 31 Troll Tank, this is a strong enemy that has a weak spot.
Simply run around it and hit the explosive barrel on its back a few times. Kill the two Blaster Trolls first and then approach the Tank.
Once defeated a Greasemonkey will drop out of it, kill him and free the last of the trapped Gillmen. One final challenge now, walk along the path towards the bomb and instead of going towards the exhaust vent that you were shown, go right down a slope, kill the Tech Spell Punk and open up the last of the Treasure Chests. Go back up the ramp and grab a bomb, run as fast as your Skylander can move along the path to the Exhaust Vent and throw the bomb as indicated.
You just need to get it near it, you don't actually need to get it right into the vent itself. Oil it using the usual method of opening locks. Once that's done you can go back to the beach to talk to Gurglefin and head to Dark Water Cove.
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Yes, every game! The Refinery Drop down into the flames and you'll be transported across the level to an empty looking platform. Seems like the Fire Gate area is slightly different on the Wii version, I've added a path through for that. Master Skylanders the skylander i know that can go on water is the 's i think and these are either water attributes can float or go across or hav the fly ability like gained even though no wings.
I first when i played it I got soul gem but i didn't but months later I got it. Another block pushing problem now. Push the one on the right forwards and then the one to your left once. Now in the middle of the three push it out and then out again. Move into the gap and push the two blocks into alignment with that second block under the coins.
Now push the last remaining block along so that you can get past it and push it back into place again. Walk up and over the blocks to reach a key. Drop down and continue to the left of where the Choppers were. To the left of the three lock door is the second key, go to the right and make your way up to the third key. Unfortunately one of those thieves will appear and take it, chase him down to get it back. To corner him just double back down the steps and he will stop underneath where the key was originally.
Step back out into the light and smash down a stone barrier at the bottom of the steps. There's also a Squiddler up on a platform and a purple bomb icon against the wall. To get the bomb will require a bit of block pushing, first kill the Rock Walker next to them though. On the ground level there's two blocks next to each other, push the nearest one to the right into a path to get to the bomb and the far one forward into the two block gap there. Go up the slope and push the block here into the second of that two block gap, cross the blocks and then push the fourth block down over the first block to complete the bridge to the bomb.
Go back up the block slopes and move the far right one into the gap to its left, pretty straightforward pushing the next block down and then the one after to the right. Push through the next block and walk around the wooden platform to reposition it to allow you to cross over it shortly.
Go over the bridge and, instead of following the Stone Golem, head to the left through a Life Gate. Bounce up to a Chompy Pod and a Treasure Chest behind it. Drop down to the right into a town scene. Bounce up on the north-east side of the fountain and then up again to a bomb.
From there drop back down and start blowing up the houses, the one you want is south-east of the fountain. Underneath that house you'll find another bounce pad that will take you back up to the bomb icon. Go collect a bomb again and use this to reach it and the Present behind there and pick up your brand new "Top Hat".
If you missed or were too slow you can just jump straight back down to the left and start over, you don't need to go all the way back through the other path. These bounce around the area, the game does give you a bit of help with the exact path shown on the ground, dodge these to avoid getting hurt, some characters can also smash them.
The large stationary rock in the centre of the area is useful for long ranged characters to hide behind, close range melee attackers will need to get close to the Golem but the boulders should get thrown over you - just watch out for his ground punch. After you've gotten the Stone Golem a fair amount down, I'd say a quarter, the second stage will begin.
This involves him throwing a large number of smaller boulders from the sky, you can see where they land by the giant red crosses on the ground. This first part just needs you to keep mobile in order to avoid them. During this stage the Stone Golem becomes invulnerable with a swirling shield around him. After a few of those he'll get back to throwing the large boulders again.
If you don't kill him quickly enough he'll repeat the same throwing sequence. Again down another quarter to half health triggers the next airborne show. They will again try to hit you so keep moving, the last one is a larger barrage of them. The final stage will begin with a more set pattern of rock drops.
It'll centre on you but if you stand still until the third wave you'll be fine, then another larger grouping will drop. The trick in this next part of the boulder roll is to move out of its way and let it rebound back into the Stone Golem.
Stand next to the centre stone on the side closest to the Golem, you should avoid getting hit by the boulder there. Once he's stunned you can attack him and finish him off or repeat the process until you do so.
If you attack the rock where Arbo just came out of you can find a Winged Sapphire. Subsequent attacks on the rock will give you a little bit of money. They have a fairly obvious shaking phase that signals that they're about to fire. Squish it and then use the pulley that the game focused you on. This will raise a log blocking your path a little further on but also start a timer, if you don't cross the bridge in time it'll reset and you'll have to go back and use the pulley again.
To make it more of a challenge there are several of those bouncy plants in-between. There you'll see the first of a new type of enemy called the Blade Witch, they look similar to the Drow Witches you've fought before except that now they have a protective shield. She'll lower the shield to throw her boomerang out but otherwise it's kept up. Kill her and the two Spearmen with her.
Use the bounce pad to get up to a platform with a Hornet and two more Spearmen on it, you'll have to kill them all to get past the Monster gate. For a few extra games use the teleporter that's underneath the pile of barrels, otherwise continue down the path that just opened up to meet the Life Spell Punk.
These heal other enemies so you'll want to try and kill the Life Spell Punk first otherwise if you're not fast enough at dealing damage you'll just keep pummelling away forever. Obviously it can't heal a dead enemy so if it's protecting weak ones you should easily be able to get rid of them.
Bounce up on the bounce pad hiding under the barrels behind them and you'll reach the Legendary Treasure. Either fall or teleport down. Once you've got that use the pulley, which will open a gate at the top of the ramp, and run up the slope.
Dodge the barrels if you don't have long range attacks, otherwise they'll explode. If you follow the small bridge down to the right you'll find another pair of Spearmen and a Treasure Chest. Killing those two will open up the Monster gate on the tree and allow you inside.
These guys are much like the earlier Goliath Drow enemies except that they have a Life Spell Punk on their backs. Wait for them to charge, move out of the way and blast them in the back to knock it off.
Kill the Spell Punk first and the Bully will be straightforward. The timer on this next pulley is a little bit of a lie. The idea is to run through the gate and onto the four wood squares, at about the five second mark they'll rise up to let you reach the exit, but at zero they'll drop back down again. Teleport out of course. Kill the mass of Spearmen and the Life Spell Punk in the middle of them, then go through the Magic gate.
Then take a couple of teleports into the tree itself. In here you'll be bouncing upwards a lot. After the second pad you'll be attacked by a single Hornet, the pad after that is a much higher jump, go to the left at the top of it.
Jump up left past the Witch and then again a high jump to another Witch back to the right. Kill the Hornet and walk towards the screen where there's a Present with a brand new Moose Hat inside.
Bounce up to another couple of Hornets before bouncing up again to a pair of Witches. Cross the bridge and you'll find two more Witches and Hornet before reaching the teleport out of here. Note that enemies that fall off the platforms in here stay alive, they're just further down. Kill the Hornet and the two Witches here and bounce up onto the slightly raised segment. Bounce up around the tree and drop down next to a large ball made of twigs. Nudge that ball down the slope and you'll kill a whole line of enemies.
Use the pulley at the bottom to make the orange tree platform move into position, you've got ten seconds to get to it and a long set of spikes in-between. If you fail to get there in time the game will provide you with a handy teleport back to the pulley to try again. Time the pull so that the first one or two of the spikes have just gone down. There's another thing blocking your path on the other side, walk to the left across another set of spikes, stand off to the side as they come up near you.
Then use the pulley again as the nearest go down and pass through that wooden gear with ease. Kill the two Hornets and the two Witches to open up the monster gate on the far side of the tree, walk up the slope and kill a few more enemies before going to the right and finding the last Treasure Chest of the level.
Now go left over the bridge to follow that Bully unless he accidentally killed himself falling off the side , beyond him is a light puzzle. First push the only moveable prism the one on the left down once and then right once. This will direct the lightbeam into the central prism. Use the lever to rotate it twice into the receptacle which will lift the log blocking the path. First off we have a pair of Spearmen, a pair of Hornets, and a pair of Witches. Take down the Spearmen first as they're the most dangerous, the Hornets' stun can be annoying when attacking the Witches so take those Corn Hornets down next.
After killing the Witches it's time to focus on the two Blitzer Bullies. They'll each jump down individually so it's no real threat. Once they're all dead go up the slope and grab the Life Seeds. Once you've done that it's off to Falling Forest. Bounce back up and walk along the wooden planks to the right, three Troll Greasemonkeys and a Blast Troll will attack, kill them and step off the path to the right onto a tree midsection with a ramp and a Troll Grenadier on.
Fire the rockets in its general direction, six should do it. Once it's exploded and formed a handy ramp make your way down, smash through a fence and walk up along it. After killing the three enemies out in the open another group will burst through the fence to the north, and once those are dead the Monster gate will open. There's a rotating blade next, step onto the bounce pad here to reach a Soul Gem, Stealth Elf's "Sylvan Regeneration".
Jump straight back down again. Carry on through the rotating blades, at the four blade one bounce up. If you take the northern bounce pad on this blade you'll find a Treasure Chest. Drop down and use the second pad, the next jump here requires you to wait so that you're not bumping straight into the blade overhead.
Go down the slope and attack the large grouping of Trolls in amongst a large collection of explosive barrels harmless to you. Wander across the tiny bridge to a grassy area, go up the curve to the left and kill a few more Trolls, smash through a fence and then attack the Tech Spell Punk, one of the only ones that can actually do damage.
The Story Scroll is also here so pick that up. Grab the rockets and go through the newly opened Monster gate, you'll probably want to kill the Trolls attacking you first but you should be able to fire the rockets over their heads. It's on the far wall. Walk to the end of the platform you go to and drop off to the left onto another similar looking slope, you'll need to smash through a fence halfway up it.
Drop down into a large open area with a bounce pad right near you. There are few Troll Greasemonkeys and Blast Trolls, as soon as they're gone the Monster gate will open to let you collect the Coonskin Cap from the Present. Bounce back up the bounce pad and go back down the slope you just climbed up, for once don't follow the path of coins down, instead drop off the south side of the end to land on a slightly raised section at the start where the two Grenadiers are standing, here you'll find a Treasure Chest.
If you missed the landing then just teleport back up and jump straight off the first platform. Up here you'll find the last of the Treasure Chests, it's being guarded by a few more Trolls and a couple of those Corn Hornets. Jump back down the way you came up and go onto the rotating blade part this time, jump up again using the pad here.
There's another large chainsaw and a rocket shown to you, you can just attack the chainsaw yourself but if you want to go up to get the rocket you'll need to go through a short series of rotating blades and bounce pads, nothing complicated. It's not quite that easy though, time for a boss fight! First up we have an evil looking copy of Zook. He creates a mushroom shield and then first three thorns out that each explode into several smaller thorns, and then fires another blast into the air which creates a few mushrooms near to where you were standing.
The mushrooms are purely to block your attacks and hinder your movement, you can shoot through them but it's easier to go around the other side and hit him from behind his cover. Melee attackers can just walk right up to him and smash him in, the thorns should miss you completely. The magic spell section is made up of some red insects with a line of green dots following them, if you kill the red thing then all the dots will explode in a chain reaction. Note that bumping into the dots will hurt you, so getting surrounded and enclosed by them is not exactly a good idea.
After a few straight lines of them they'll come in with the entire area enclosed and closing in on you, kill the red one to destroy it before it gets too tight. Easier for long range attackers of course.
Next up is Stealth Elf. Her attack consists of running up to you and performing a strike attack, then she disappears and reappears somewhere else to do the exact same thing over and over. Attack right after dodging her attack, she'll quickly disappear but it's a lot safer than trying to attack as she's rushing towards you. Again with the spell, the first wave will be a semi-circle of red things approaching with a straight line of dots behind them.
After that begins a swirling sequence. Move in-between one of the swirls and then follow the gap around the outside edge of the area, as they pass through the centre you can stop but try to be in the north-east for the next bit.
Now comes a series of circles with a gap in, you'll have to walk through that gap as there's no red insect in sight. The gaps should appear in an anti-clockwise manner, move inwards as the previous circle explodes to get to the gap quicker.
Lastly is a long spiral sequence, keep close to the middle circling anti-clockwise around the centre of the bubbles, you should be able to keep ahead of the dots if you keep in tight. The third minion is Stump Smash, he has a more complicated attack pattern than the others. First he'll spit out a pair of small spiked seeds that will roll around the area, if these hit you you'll be damaged slightly and get slowed down, shake it off to get back to normal speed.
You can avoid these initially by standing directly infront of Stump Smash, they'll veer off to the sides, but watch out for their bounces off the edges as they'll keep going for a while. He'll also fire a much larger spiked seed that does much more damage but doesn't slow.
This one however he fires straight so don't get it mixed up, he alternates between which one he fires but you'll only see one of the big ones out at a time as it will explode just before he sends out a new one, but the smaller ones can build up for the Achievement! Stump Smash himself doesn't do any smashing, it's just seeds. After that you're onto the third magic spell. A single constant sequence this time, you can either tirelessly circle about a central collection of dots as they rotate around, attacking the red insects as they turn up.
Or you can find a safe spot at least about midway out that you can stand in and avoid all the green dots, you just need to watch out for the red things coming towards you.
And the inevitable trio of minions. Your first target should be Stealth Elf as she's the one that's going to be attacking you more consistently. After that Stump Smash as he'll fire things that can actually hurt, Zook last as he is standing off in the distance and his attacks won't even reach you if you're on the near side. Smash it down to get another load of gems. The lock on the beach has changed again and has a few more gems in there now too. Find the Troll Warehouse 2.
Find the pieces of the Map 3. Right x 5, Left, Right x 3, Left x 2 ,, [] The Foundry [] '' A brand new Trollverine enemy is upahead, these guys carry a shield in one hand and a claw in the other.
They'll run towards you and perform a swipe attack that will make them a bit dizzy for a second. This is your time to strike. Once you've killed him and the Greasemonkey assistants there's another lock puzzle directly ahead.
He'll fire three rockets at you in succession and then laugh, attack while he's laughing. Follow the path along and you'll find the Story Scroll at the top of a ramp. There's a bunch of Greasemonkeys around the corner, they've got a Rocket Imp in with them so watch out for that. The gate behind them will open once they're all dead. You'll now approach a minefield, you can't cross it right now thanks to all the mines not even if you've seen the path.
So ignore it and continue left up the small ramp to a Life gate. Grab the first key, go through the right-hand door and pick up two keys. Do not open the door in here. Go back to the start and use one of the keys on the left door. Pick up the key in here and then go into the lock puzzle room, open the lock puzzle: Left x 3, Right, Left, Right, Left x 2, Right, Left x 3 And grab the two keys behind there. You should be able to open the locked door in there from this side even though the lock is on the other, grab the two keys in the tiny room before walking back to the lock puzzle room and going through the right door.
There are now just two doors between you and the Present, your brand new Spy Gear. You should still have one key left so you'll have to choose between the Legendary Treasure and a Treasure Chest.
Here's where they are for your next go through: Pick up the first key and go through the right-hand door. Here you'll find two keys. Use one on the only door in here to find a Treasure Chest. Go back to the start and go through the left door. Through the right door in here and now go through the middle door to get the Legendary Treasure. Kill any remaining trolls to open up the door to the left.
The next room has a large Gun Snout it in, this is a large turret that, despite its legs, does not move. Instead it fires a series of shots at you about 10 and then pauses, it'll then jump up and start firing again. Once you manage to kill it a Greasemonkey will emerge from the wreckage and attack you. Another lock puzzle is blocking your way. Right, Left x 6, Right x 2, Left x 3 Behind the puzzle is the second piece of map and a button on the wall.
This will open up a couple of large doors that will let you walk past the beginning of the level through to a large light puzzle. First use the lever on the right once to point the prism next to it south-west. Push the prism north of that three spaces to the left. Push the block north of that prism one space to the left out of the way of the light beam.
Now push the northern most block once to the left so that you can stroll all the way around and push the prism just south of it two spaces north.
In the middle of the red walkway is the third piece of map. Another lock puzzle awaits. Right x 5, Left x 3 ,, [] Access Catwalks [] '' Walk up the steps and then drop down off the end, there's a load of Trolls down here as well as another Gun Snout. In the bottom right corner is a Treasure Chest. Up the steps on the left follow the catwalk all the way around and pick up the final piece of the map. Kill the Rocket Imps and then go through the Fire gate if you can. Kill the two Lava Kings and the Flame Imps they spawn.
The Imps run around and hurt you as soon as they get next to you, the Lava Kings run around firing Imps out. Once you've killed them all go solve the lock puzzle on the left.
Right x 5, Left x 2, Right x 3, Left, Right x 3, Left x 6, Right x 2 Once you've picked up the Present with the Rocket Hat inside, teleport back out using the teleport back where you dropped in. You can walk straight down to that chest, there's a gap in the mines there.
Now just get back to the dotted line and follow it. Find the Mabu Captain 2. Walk up the other slope to the left and pick up a bomb, step off the side to the right and throw it towards the barbed wire behind the purple icon.
There's a Treasure Chest. Get another bomb and throw it off to the left into another bit of barbed wire blocking the path below, you can either walk down to it or throw it from here.
Either way continue past it and a load of trolls until you reach Rizzo. You'll begin to be targeted by cannonfire so keep moving. At the first bend in the path you'll find an Air gate. Keep along the near side as you approach the first bounce pad, use it to bounce to the right into the corner.
Bounce north then west, north at the end, east and then north again. Still not there yet, go west and into the teleporter at the front of the building. In here you'll find a Present containing the General's Hat. Teleport out and you'll be next to that same building.
Use the bounce pad on the right to get up over the wall going north. After they're dead pick up the Legendary Treasure and teleport away. If you don't have a Fire Skylander to cross the lava with then pick up the bomb and blow up the barbed wire up the slope to the left. From there grab another bomb and walk up to the top exactly where the Fire would get you and blow up that fence.
Smash the cannons behind it and go meet Nort. There's a tank rumbling around here, go take out its fuel tank. Take this one all the way back down the hill and push it into the blockade that Rizzo wanted you to destroy. Try to nudge it over the slight bump in the path and it should slowly roll right into it, no need to get all dangerously close to those turrets.
It's time to start pushing. First push the top and third from top blocks to the right. Push the one in-between them north. Go right and push the block underneath the Grenadier to the right two spaces.
Walk into the aisle and go south. The second from bottom and fourth from bottom can be pushed left, then push the one between south. The teleport goes right to a Treasure Chest. Stay on the ground and go north, push the second from top block one or two, doesn't matter to the left.
Then go up the slope at the bottom and push the block there off left. Walk along the blocks to the Present on the far side. Inside, a Spiked Hat. Follow the path along and it'll curve around back towards the start, next to there you should see the first flag. Walk up the slope north of it and then twirl it up. Carry on north, drop down into a trench underneath a Rocket Imp and go left around up to it.
Following the path will get you past a few more Grenadiers to the second flag. There's a tank blocking your way now, get around it and hit the tank on the other side. As you approach the final flag another tank will appear, destroy it and raise that final flag.
Find the Command Team 2. Now go back and grab another of those bombs, this time head north and destroy the barbed wire there. Watch out for the Gun Snout, once you've killed it go up to the left and grab the Story Scroll. Now go south through the exit directly to the left of where you just came in. If you continue south from there you'll find a Treasure Chest. Backtrack to where you fought the Gun Snout and go through the monster gate to the north.
A fairly long path now, once you reach a pair of Trollverines go left and grab a key from the floor. Continue onwards north through a small brick fence, on the other side to the right is another larger brick wall you can smash through and find a Soul Gem, Drill Sergeant's "Arkeyan Armor". Open the locked gate and head left past a Blaster Troll and a Rocket Imp. There's a few more enemies up at the end next to a monster gate that'll open once they're dead.
Destroy the Gun Snout and walk up the slope behind it, keep moving though as the building there will shoot at you. Approach the wooden door and step into the teleporter inside. Fire the cannon and then teleport back. Go south at the point where you encounter a bunch of Blaster Trolls, pass by the cannon and enter the Undead gate. Walk around the back and you'll see a purple icon on the floor for a bomb, no bombs in sight though.
Use the teleport on the left. Walk up the slope on the left and avoid standing on the small stone button, this will raise up a set of four blocks to your left which you don't want to do right now. Drop down into the area next to them and bounce up out again north.
Drop off next to a bomb icon and then smash through a brick wall at the top of the slope here. Where is second soul gem on skylanders wii? Where do you get the hex's soul gem on skylanders? Where do you find dino-rangs soul gem on skylanders? What level is camo's soul gem on in skylanders? Where to find ghost rosters soul gem on skylanders? Where do you find slambams soul gem on skylanders?
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Were do you find slam bams soul gem skylanders? Where do you find camos soul gem in skylanders? Is flameslinger better than sonic boom on skylanders? Where are all the soul gems in the dark cove on skylanders?
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