Where is the uinta basin on a map

The project was authorized by the Central Utah Project Completion Act, as a partial replacement for the water development planned under the Uintah and Upalco Units, which were never built. The Uintah Basin Replacement Project is intended to serve several purposes including: stabilizing 13 high mountain lakes on the Lake Fork River drainage in the High Uintas Wilderness Area and restoring associated ecological values, providing replacement water for the early and late season irrigation water stored in the High Mountain Lakes, providing municipal and industrial water to Roosevelt City, facilitating improved water resources management and water conservation in the Uintah Basin, and enhancement of beneficial use and environmental, fish, wildlife, and recreation resources.

The project purposes are being accomplished through the High Mountain Lake stabilization, construction of the new Big Sand Wash Feeder Diversion Structure and Pipeline, reconstruction and enlargement of the existing Big Sand Wash Reservoir, and construction of a new Big Sand Wash-to-Roosevelt municipal water pipeline. Construction to increase the height of the dam by 26 feet was completed in June , increasing the active reservoir storage capacity from 12, acre-feet to 24, acre feet in order to receive 6, acre-feet of irrigation water formerly stored in high mountain lakes in the High Uintas Wilderness Area.

Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. These maps were prepared as part of a hydrologic investigation in the southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado. Arnoff, Andrew C. Lawrence, and Steven A. Vanden Berg, and Brian R. Beth Townsend and Paul C. Geologic Publications Geologic Publications. Economic Geology. Fossil Energy. Minerals and Mining.

Geologic Hazards. Quaternary Studies and General Geology. Public Interests. Geologic Maps. Topographic Maps. All Purpose Maps. Wall Maps. Recreation Maps. Forest Service Maps. Recreation Books. Hiking Books.

Outdoor Activities. Nature Guide. Rockhounding, Geology and Mining.


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