Where is your girth to measure

Click on the link for a detailed description and photograph of the measurement being taken. They are however a good measure of proportionality. A common girth measure is the waist measure, used in determining waist to hip ratio WHR. Share: Facebook Twitter.

We have over fitness tests listed, so it's not easy to choose the best one to use. You should consider the validity, reliability, costs and ease of use for each test. It may help to have the client stand on a box to make the measurement easier. Scoring: The table below gives general guidelines for the results of the waist to hip ratio. You can use any units for the measurements e.

As a general interpretation the higher the ratio, the higher the risk of developing or suffering from coronary heart disease. As previously indicated girth measurements can be used simply to show change in an individual clients size or body dimensions over time.

So for clients wanting to lose size around their waists then the waist girth will show whether or not this is happening over time. Conversely some clients may wish to see changes in muscle size over time to determine if their hypertrophy oriented training is working or not. As well as the waist and hip girths, measurements to show change in the size of the chest, upper arm and upper thigh are common.

This girth measurement is used to show change in size over time in the chest and upper back region. The measurement is taken by asking the client to initially raise their arms to the side up to shoulder level. With their arms raised the tape measure is placed around their upper torso under their arm pits.

The client is then asked to lower their arms to the side. A vertical measurement is taken at the point in the upper arm that looks largest when viewed from the front. Calculating body fat percentage can be an important indicator of health. It's also important for professional weightlifters and bodybuilders to keep track of. To calculate percent body fat, various girth measurements are taken along with height. Different measurements are taken based on gender.

Males require girth measurements of the neck and their abdomen. Females require girth measurements of the neck, waist and hips. Then you use the following equations based on the gender of the subject:.

Girth is also relevant in sports such as fishing and hunting. Girth is an important measurement for sport fishing and hunting to measure the size of the catch.

You can also use girth to measure sporting equipment like baseball bats. Elliot Walsh holds a B. S in Cell and Developmental Biology and a B. We are also on facebook and twitter.

Waist girth measurement. Any comments, suggestions or corrections? Please let us know. Search This Site. Testing Extra We have over fitness tests listed, so it's not easy to choose the best one to use. PAGES home search sitemap store.


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