Decoded is a must-read. At last a book that unlocks the mystery of brand equity written by a man who's worked at the Marketing coal face for over 25 years.
We know, as one of Phil's clients, that his approach is grounded in the reality of managing brands - and it works! With 'Decoded' Barden gives the power of advertising empirical foundation. A must for agency planners and creatives alike.
I found this book a real page-turner. Phil Barden has the rare knack of turning scientific experiments and marketing examples into a fascinating story of how human beings really work.
This is a very good book that does three difficult things: it pulls together a lot of recent academic evidence on consumer behaviour from both neuroscience and behavioural economics; it consistently relates this evidence to practical marketing issues, illustrated with real-world examples; it is extremely readable.
Phil has a way of marrying the art and the science which makes it cutting edge but practical, distinctive but simple; in short any commercial marketer cannot afford to miss this book — it will change the way you approach things forever. Our implicit motivations drive most of our decisions and actions every day. Phil Barden understands this, explains it, and clearly demonstrates how to use this new understanding to the benefit of more effective, action driven, marketing.
The first practical application of Kahneman's Nobel Prize-winning work to everyday marketing - brilliant! Marketing has, for a long time, been an uneasy tussle between art and science: Decoded gives the discipline a very healthy and eminently accessible push in the direction of the latter.
Embed cutting-edge, accredited data skills at every level of your business through applied, blended learning — and harness the power of data and analytics across your organisation. Empower leaders to reimagine their business, their function and their own roles for a radically different present and future. Large 3. Very large Material Explanation.
Plastic 8. Leather Color Explanation. Brown Gray 3. Purple 1. Red 1. Black Blue 1. Yellow 6. Pink 7. Silver 2. Quality leather Explanation. Standard 3. Good 2. Excellent Sustainable phone cases Explanation. And finally he shows how to apply this knowledge in day to day marketing to great effect by dramatically improving key factors such as relevance, differentiation and credibility.
Shows how the latest insights from the fields of Behavioural Economics, psychology and neuro-economics explain why we buy what we buy Offers a pragmatic framework and guidelines for day-to-day marketing practice on how to employ this knowledge for more effective brand management - from strategy to implementation and NPD. Business Psychology Nonfiction Science More Details.
Phil Barden 2 books 3 followers. Search review text. Lena Pavlova. Jeff Tyler. I'm a Brand Manager and this not only has fascinating and amazing insights that explain e.