Which class should i play in wow

Death Knights are undead soldiers that fight at melee range. Frost Death Knights use ice magic in combination with their dual swords to slow targets and deal damage in groups. Unholy Death Knights use plagues, boils and monsters to sicken their enemies and beat them down. Blood Death Knights absorb and tank damage for their teammates, healing through attacks while spreading a blood plague among their enemies. Half-demon, half-elf, the Demon Hunters can double jump and use their wings to glide around the world.

Havoc Demon Hunters are all about dealing damage and quick movement. Vengeance Demon Hunters transform themselves into hulking demons to protect their allies from danger. Druid are one with the nature of Azeroth. These sages commune with the earth and learn to transform into different forms to suit their various needs. They can heal, tank and melee or ranged DPS. Druids are the ultimate hybrid class. Guardian Druids protect their allies in the form of a great bear.

Restoration Druids heal their allies with the power of nature and life. Balance druids keep the dusk and dawn in balance to cast light and dark nature magic at their foes.

Feral druids take the form of a cat to lacerate their targets, causing them to bleed over the course of a fight. Hunters are the typical rangers, trackers and pet-trainers of the fantasy world. They are comfortable in the natural elements, although they use their own tools to bring down their enemies, unlike Druids. Marksmanship Hunters all about the perfect shot, and they spend their time accurately firing arrows from a distance.

Beastmaster Hunters command a small army of pets to do their damage for them. Survival Hunter is the only Hunter melee specialization, utilizing a spear, traps and explosives to take out enemies. Mages are the masters of the arcane arts.

Through their different elements, they cast spells and dispel evil everywhere they go. Frost Mages uses the power of ice to slow and shatter their enemies. Fire Mages get on hot streaks and focus on rapid-fire spell-slinging.

Arcane Mages use their mana bars to ebb and flow between full and empty, augmenting their damage. Monks are martial artists. Their job is to take down their enemies with rudimentary weapons such as sticks, poles or their own two fists. Windwalker Monks use their fists to strike enemies down with speed, doing back-flips and launching flurries of punches. The Brewmaster Monk is the typical drunken master, and uses their dodging skills to protect their allies from harm.

Mistweaver Monks use the rejuvenating power of the mist to heal their allies. Paladins are holy warriors, channeling their connection with the Light into their weapons.

Protection Paladins use the Light to defend their allies, and absorb the damage meant for their party members. Holy Paladins use the Light to heal targets close to them with big, powerful heals. Retribution Paladins use the Light to play judge, jury, and executioner with their targets, distributing holy righteousness with a two-handed sword or hammer.

Priests are cloth-wearing holy mages. Much like the Paladins, the Priests wield the Light to defend and destroy. Holy Priests are the de facto healers, using the Light to mend allies wounds, whether it be a single target or the whole raid.

Discipline Priests damage enemies to heal allies around them. Shadow Priests harness the dark powers of the void to deal sustained damage against their targets.

Rogues are thieves and criminals that hide in the shadows. Masters of stealth, traps, and poisons, Rogues are the assassins and spymasters of World of Warcraft. They are neither seen nor heard, unless they choose to be. Subtlety Rogues are all about sneaking around, cloaking themselves in shadows before they strike their targets down.

I will never get tired of playing Warriors. I have four Warriors on my main server, 1 Protection, 2 Arms, and one Fury. The mobility, the combos going from kill to kill, the bloodlust, the self-healing, the straight-up carnage a single warrior can cause if played skillfully enough. Warrior is the most fun class in Wow, in my opinion.

Bar none. Do you agree with my list of WoW classes ranked from least to most fun to play? Which class is your favorite? Your least favorite? Comment below. Enjoy this piece? Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter to get the latest gaming news straight to your feed.

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Home Features. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Credit: ProGuides. Credit: Blizzard Watch. Credit: GoodFon. Credit: Reddit. Blood is red, Frost is blue and white, and unholy is green. Acherus and Death Gates: An additional perk of being a dk is access to what is known as a Death Gate.

A death gate allows you to open a gate from anywhere in the universe and transport yourself back to the dk home base: Acherus: The Ebon Hold. From Acherus which is a floating Necropolis in the sky you can then use your death gate again to transport yourself back to where you last were. Runeforging: Lastly, one of the biggest perks as a DK is the ability to engrave your weapons with runes that enhance your combat performance in a process called Runeforging.

Runeforging replaces weapon enchants and can be placed on any of your weapons. Interested in learning more about death knights? Using their enhanced eyesight, warglaives, and the demonic energy of their enemies, demon hunters are a force to be reckoned with by any who stand in their way.

Demon Hunters have two specializations: Havoc and Vengeance. Both of these specializations utilize agility as their primary stat, wear leather armor, and utilize a resource called Fury to cast spells and abilities. Description: Havoc demon hunters are a Melee DPS specialization that utilizes the destructive powers of fel energy and the essences of demons they've slain to empower their warglaives, attacks, and even allowing them to temporarily transform into a demon.

As a havoc demon hunter, you are equipped with an arsenal of devastating spells and abilities such as Metamorphosis , Eye Beam , and Chaos Strike in order to lay waste to any demon or enemy that dares to stand in your way as well as spells such as Fel Rush and Imprison to stop any would-be assailant from getting away.

Description: Vengeance demon hunters are a type of Tank specialization that utilizes demonic magics and wards to bolster their defenses and hinder enemies, has the ability to transform into a sturdy demon that withstands damage and uses the pain it endures to fuel its hatred and empower its attacks, and has the ability sever souls from their enemies in order to sustain and regenerate themselves. As a vengeance demon hunter, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Metamorphosis , Shear , and Demon Spikes to bolster your defenses and heal yourself as well as spells like Torment , Sigil of Silence , Sigil of Misery , and Infernal Strike to deter enemies from harming your allies.

Hero Class: In World of Warcraft, Demon Hunters as well as Death Knights are what's known as a hero class meaning that they extra have perks that the other classes don't.

Demon hunters also allow further customization for horns, blindfolds, and tattoos. Spectral Sight and Gliding As previously mentioned, demon hunters have a spell that enhances their vision called Spectral Sight which allows them to see demons and enemies that are invisible or hiding behind physical objects.

Other classes that wish to see hidden demons must drink Elixir of Detect Demon or use other similar items. Additionally, demon hunters also have the ability to spread their demonic wings and Glide while falling to reduce their fall speed and travel some distance before landing safely on the ground.

This effect can be toggled on and off at will while double jumping or falling. Two Class Mounts With the introduction of class mounts in patch 7. While it might sound silly to have one extra class mount than all the other non-hero classes, I will explain. As a dh you could acquire Felsaber from doing the beginning of the demon hunter starting zone. Interested in learning more about demon hunters? Druids have four specializations which allows them to fill all roles in a raiding environment: Balance, Feral, Guardian, and Restoration.

All four specializations initially share a resource called Mana ; however, each specialization aside from restoration has an additional resource that it uses to cast spells and abilities: Balance uses Astral Power , feral uses Energy and Combo Points and Guardian uses Rage. Additionally, all four specializations wear leather armor and the primary stat for each spec changes based on your current spec Guardian and feral druids use agility and balance and restoration druids use intellect.

Description: Balance druids are a type of Ranged DPS specialization that takes on the form of a powerful moonkin in order to unleash a combination of devastating lunar, solar, and astral spells. As a balance druid, you are a equipped an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Celestial Alignment , Sunfire , Starfire , and Starsurge to obliterate your enemies from afar with cosmic powers, or Solar Beam and Entangling Roots to disable your enemies and keep them out of the fight.

Description: Feral druids are a type of Melee DPS specialization that takes on the form of a great cat in order to wound and mutilate their enemies. As a feral druid, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Tiger's Fury , Rake , and Rip to tear your enemies to shreds, or Maim and Skull Bash to disable your prey and keep them from escaping.

Additionally, as a feral druid you are able to temporarily increase the movement speed of yourself and others with Stampeding Roar. Description: Guardian druids are a type of Tank specialization that shapeshifts into the form of a mighty bear to protect allies and withstand damage with sheer tenacity and thick hide.

As a guardian druid, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Survival Instincts , Barkskin , and Ironfur to ensure your survival as well as Thrash , Growl , and Mangle to damage enemies and keep them from attacking your allies. Additionally, as a guardian druid, you are able to temporarily increase the movement speed of yourself and allies with Stampeding Roar.

Description: Restoration druids sometimes called resto druids or rdruids are a type of Healer specialization that utilizes the regenerative powers of nature to heal while using a resource called Mana. As a resto druid, you are equipped with an arsenal spells and abilities such as Tranquility , and Wild Growth to regenerate allies and mend their wounds, or spells such as Revitalize and Rebirth to resurrect allies from the dead.

Travel Form: As a druid, one of the biggest perks is the ability to instantly shapeshift into what's called Travel Form while outdoors or in water. Starting at level 10, Travel Form allows you to move significantly faster than on the ground. At level 17 this form becomes enhanced allowing faster movement speed in water and at level 30 your travel form also grants you the ability to fly once you purchase Expert Riding. Additionally, the shapeshift is instant cast which allows you to get moving more quickly compared to other classes that have to use mounts.

Customizable Druid Forms: As of Shadowlands, druid players can change the appearance of their shapeshift forms by visiting the barber. Players can unlock additional customizations by obtaining an artifact weapon, doing various Legion content after obtaining an artifact weapon , and obtaining glyphs.

Teleportation: As a druid you also gain the ability at level 22 to teleport to Moon Glade. While it may not sound exciting initially, after you complete the Legion introductory quests, you gain access to the Emerald Dreamway which contains portals to several different natural locations spread across Azeroth. Additionally, your Teleport: Moonglade becomes Dreamwalk which has a different visual effect. Jack of All Trades: Lastly, one of the biggest perks to being a druid is that you can shapeshift into multiple forms to meet your groups needs, keep yourself alive, or enhance your combat performance, thus allowing you to experiment with all four role types healer, tank, melee dps, and ranged dps.

For example, as a non-guardian druid, you can shapeshift into bear form to reduce your damage taken. Interested in learning more about druids? But in truth, I hunt with family. One that I hold close. I protect them, and they protect me. Hunters with the exception of survival hunters are unique in that they are only ranged class in World of Warcraft that uses arrows and bullets to deal damage instead of spells.

Additionally, hunters are also unique in that they can tame a variety of different animals to assist them in combat as well as utilize a variety of different traps to hinder their enemies. Hunters currently have three specializations: Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival. Each of the three specializations utilize agility as their primary stat, wear mail armor, and use Focus as a resource to cast their abilities.

Description: Beast mastery hunters also called bm hunters are a type of Ranged DPS specialization that utilizes beasts both wild and tamed to hunt prey and assail foes. As a beast mastery hunter, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Kill Command , Bestial Wrath , and Barbed Shot to have your beasts rip your enemies to shreds, Cobra Shot , Counter Shot , and Multi-Shot to assail your enemies from afar, and Tar Trap and Freezing Trap to hinder your enemies and prevent them from reaching you or escaping.

Beast Mastety hunters are unique in that they can tame all 59 unique pet families including exotic pet types such as hydras, devilsaurs, spirit beasts. For more information about all the pet types you can tame as a hunter, click here. Description: Marksmanship hunters also called mm or marks hunters are a type of Ranged DPS specialization that utilizes arrows, bullets, unique ammunition, and deadly accuracy to assault enemies from a distance.

As a marksmanship hunter you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Aimed Shot to snipe your enemies from afar as well as Tar Trap , Freezing Trap , Bursting Shot , and Concussive Shot to hinder your enemies and prevent them from reaching you or escaping.

Pros: - Great all around damage - Strong burst damage Cons: - Spells and abilities sometimes require you to stand still in order to cast i. Aimed Shot - AoE damage is not as strong when more than 5 targets are present.

Description: Survival hunters also called sv hunters are a type of Melee DPS specialization that are master survivalists who excel at tracking and traps. Additionally, survival hunters fight alongside their animal companions in combat, sometimes even coordinating abilities together. As a survival hunter, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Wildfire Bomb , Raptor Strike , and Carve to viciously assault your enemies at close range, Explosive Trap and Tar Trap to ambush unsuspecting victims, and Harpoon and Wing Clip to ensure that your prey doesn't escape.

Pet Taming As a hunter, one of your biggest perks is the ability to tame pets. Currently, in World of Warcraft, there are a total of 59 unique pet families 47 are tamable by all hunter specs and the other 12 exotic families can only be tamed by beast mastery hunters.

For a complete look at all the pet families and hunter pets available click here or I will provide an additional link in the "Hunter Resources" section of this guide. Utility Another big perk of being a hunter is the wide range of utility you to bring to a group. All three hunter specializations by default learn Tar Trap and Freezing Trap.

Additionally, for the two ranged hunter specs beast mastery and marksmanship, they have additional utility with Misdirection to assist in keeping enemies on the tank and off everyone else, and Binding Shot level 40 talent choice for bm hunters to mass root all enemies caught within the shot that try to move out of the ground effect.

Tracking An additional perk of being a hunter is having a wide variety of tracking spells. While some other classes might have one or two tracking spells i. Feral druids have the ability to track beasts and humanoids , hunters have the ability to track a total of eight different enemy types: Beasts, dragonkin, elementals, giants, hidden, humanoids, and undead.

Interested in learning more about hunters? Knowledgeable and powerful, mages can assault their foes with raw arcane magic, burn their foes to ash with powerful fire magic, and chill and freeze their enemies to the bone with extremely cold frost magic. Additionally, mages are also able to conjure refreshments for themselves and allies, provide transport around Azeroth and beyond with teleports and portals, and even temporarily transform their enemies into less harmful creatures with polymorphs.

Currently, mages have three specializations: Arcane, fire, and frost. All three specs utilize intellect as their primary stat, wear cloth armor, and use a resource called Mana to cast spells and abilities. Description: Arcane mages are a type of Ranged DPS specialization that utilizes arcane magic to assail enemies from afar or damage nearby enemies.

As an arcane mage, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Arcane Power , Arcane Barrage , Arcane Blast , and Arcane Missiles to bombard your enemies from afar, Arcane Explosion to damage enemies that dare wander too close to you, and Prismatic Barrier , Slow , and Alter Time to protect yourself and escape from would be assailants. Pros: - High survivability and mobility - Strong burst damage - Strong AoE Cons: - Single target damage is reliant on cool downs - Weak cleave - AoE requires you to be in melee range - Can run out of mana which can affect dps.

Description: Fire mages are a type of Ranged DPS specialization that utilizes powerful fire magic to sear their foes and reduce them to cinders. As a fire mage, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Combustion , Flamestrike , Pyroblast , and Fireball to decimate your foes from afar with powerful fire magic, and Dragon's Breath , Cauterize , and Blazing Barrier to protect yourself from would-be assailants.

Description: Frost mages are a type of Ranged DPS specialization that utilizes bone-chilling frost magic to freeze their enemies.

Frost mages are also unique from the other two mage specs because they can harness the power of water to summon a Water Elemental to assist them in combat. As a frost mage, you are equipped with an arsenal of frigid frost spells such as Frostbolt , Blizzard , Flurry , and Ice Lance to assail and slow your enemies from afar as well as Ice Barrier , Ice Block , and Frost Nova to protect yourself and stop would be assailants in their tracks.

Portals and Teleportation: One of the biggest perks of being a mage is the vast amount of teleportation and portal spells you have that take not just around Azeroth, but even to other planets! Teleportation and portals spells are acquired primarily through reaching a certain level and seeing the Portal Trainer in major cities of your respective faction. Slow Fall and Invisibility: Some additional perks of being a mage is the ability to slow your falling speed and turn yourself invisible.

With Slow Fall you can jump off anything, apply the spell to yourself, an ally, or both, and glide harmlessly down for as long as the spell lasts spell is recastable at any point in time.

Additionally, as mage you also have access to Invisibility which temporarily turns you completely invisible for 20 seconds Arcane has an enhanced version of this effect called Greater Invisibility. Interested in learning more about mages? I trust you have learned: to fight out of fear or anger is to fight a war that never ends. Face your fears. Calm your hatreds. Find peace within yourself, so that you may share it with the world around you. These are the greatest treasures in life.

Surely they In combat, monks use their iron-clad discipline, martial arts skills, brews, ancient healing techniques, and regenerative mists to assist their allies. Currently, monks have three specializations: Brewmaster, Mistweaver, and Windwalker. While all three specializations wear leather armor, each spec uses different resources to cast their spells and abilities and utilizes different primary stats.

Mistweavers use intellect as their primary stat and use a resource called Mana to cast their spells and abilities. Brewmasters use agility as their primary stat and use two resources called Energy to cast spells and abilities and Stagger to reduce damage taken. Finally, windwalkers use agility as their primary stat and use two resources called Energy and Chi to cast their spells and abilities. Description: Brewmaster monks are a type of Tank specialization that utilizes powerful and potent brews to fortify themselves and hinder their enemies.

As a brewmaster monk, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Fortifying Brew , Shuffle , Celestial Brew , and Zen Meditation to bolster your defenses and reduce your damage as well as Keg Smash , Breath of Fire , and Blackout Kick to slow your enemies and keep them from attacking your allies.

Additionally, brewmasters are unique in that their taunt effect also temporarily increases the movement speed of the enemy it's used on. While it may sound silly, it allows for enemies and bosses to be positioned quickly. Description: Mistweaver monks are a type of Healer specialization that utilizes ancient healing techniques, regenerative mists, and martial arts to heal allies.

As a mistweaver monk, you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Revival , Essence Font , Enveloping Mist , and Vivify to mend allies wounds with soothing mists, Life Cocoon , Thunder Focus Tea , and Fortifying Brew to bolster yourself and allies, and Reawaken and Resuscitate to bring allies back from the dead. Description: Windwalker monks are a type of Melee DPS specialization that uses martial arts, knowledge of anatomy, and spirituality to pummel enemies into submission while using two resources "energy" and "chi" to cast spells and abilities.

As a windwalker monk you are equipped with an arsenal of spells and abilities such as Spinning Crane Kick , Fists of Fury , and Rising Sun Kick to assail your foes with a series of quick movements, Touch of Karma and Storm, Earth, and Fire to devastate your foes, and Flying Serpent Kick , Disable , and Touch of Death to chase your would-be assailants and prevent them from escaping.


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