Can you combine units in civilization 5

Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When I attack an enemy so far I've only been able to send one unit at a time, which doesn't always work- how do I make multiple units move on the same objective at once?

You can create armies by getting a great military leader. Every time an Elite unit 5 hitpoints wins a battle, you have a chance of getting one. A military leader can form an army and you can put up to 3 or 4 with the Pentagon wonder units into it, who will fight in unison.

Armies are exceptionally powerful tools. Later in the game, after getting the military tradition tech you can build a military academy, which allows the city to build armies without a leader.

Apart from that, there are no ways for units to fight together, this is how the game mechanics work in every civ game. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. There are pros and cons to merging units, and as usual, a lot of it is situational.

One definite advantage is reduced upkeep costs. If using the Gathering Storm ruleset merged units have the same costs as a single unit of the same type, a nice benefit. On the other hand, not a good option for open ground combat because it consolidates your forces, giving the enemy more chances to outflank you.

Similar to fighting at a chokepoint, if you have more units than you can use in a firefight a good option is to merge them so you can bring additional firepower into the fight. Just remember that although combined units are less powerful than two individual units that they have a higher survivability rate and take up less space. This makes them much better at defending due to increased stamina. Another pro for merging units is that once you have a steady supply of new units you can start merging them into your more experienced units.

When merged they gain the experience level of the other unit which gives you a more powerful, experienced unit. It reduces War Weariness. War Weariness increases each time a unit fights and each time a unit is lost during combat. Corps and Armies finish opponents faster, meaning less fighting and they die less often. If you have some outdated units, you can get some increased benefit out of them by merging them to increase their combat strength. One final reason for merging units is that it makes it easier to attack cities if space is limited, or to defend yourself in limited space.

One reason for not merging units is that you lose the option of attacking twice with two units. Since units are merged you only get one opportunity to attack. If you already have a small number of land or naval units merging might not be a very good idea. This will result in even less units to attack and defend with. If you have a large empire you might not have enough military forces available to adequately protect it after merging units.

Overwhelm him with the raw firepower that two individual units provides instead. One of the biggest drawbacks to merging units is the decreased combat strength The overall strength of the units decreases significantly since you lose all but ten points of the merged units combat strength for a Corps or Fleet.

No two units of the same type can occupy the same tile, but one of each type can. Units are built in cities either through production or by buying them with gold or faith, plus more units become available as your technology increases. The when you are on a unit and press the L3 button, the cursor will move to the previously selected position. If you move to a different prosition and press L3, any units which were moving to the previous rally point will stop moving and request instructions.

The usual cautions about doing multi-turn moves applies. Joined: Mar 3, Messages: It will go 1 movement at a time. Oddible , Sep 19, You must log in or sign up to reply here.


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