The Lost Isles. Back to Aggra Goblin. Bilgewater Cartel Represent Goblin. Body And Soul. Borrow Bastia Goblin. Brute Brutality. Capturing the Unknown Goblin. Children of a Turtle God Goblin. Cluster Cluck Goblin. Don't Go Into the Light! Escape Velocity Goblin. Farewell, For Now Goblin. Final Confrontation Goblin. Forward Movement Goblin. Free the Captives Goblin. Get Back to Town Goblin.
Get Our Stuff Back! Get to the Gyrochoppa! Goblin Escape Pods Goblin. Good-bye, Sweet Oil Goblin. Help Wanted Goblin. Hobart Needs You Goblin. Invasion Imminent! Irresistible Pool Pony Goblin. If you do that you will get the text You must Fulfill your destiny and That of the Bilgewater Cartel before you can leave. Comment by SgtFrog Another good idea: Goblin Survivor yells: A spring-loaded plunger with blades attached, for processing food! Or people you disagree with. Comment by I spent way too much time looking for Ace.
Damn blizzard crazy arrow. Comment by heartshinegirl The easiest way to find Ace. When you are coming down the wooden stairs into the lower part of the cave you can see Ace's name tag just in front of you and off to the right. So, come off the stairs and go straight, and then make a right. He's right in front of you! Comment by Blakmane This is one of the funniest quest I've ever played in this game in about 7 years. I laughed my ass off giving a load of Kaja-Cola cans to the enslaved goblins and reading the ideas in their burst of creativity.
Edible beds! So you can have beds Giant gnomes Spoon sharpeners! And my favourite: Explosive fire extinguishers! Fight fire with Morale Boost. Goblin Survivor 1 Kezan Citizen 1. I hate the Trade Prince, but you can't argue with the results of his methods. Kaja'Cola Zero-One is a huge improvement over regular old Kaja'Cola at half the calories and twice the ideas!
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It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! Connect with Wowhead. Series 1. And survivability is also an issue, since shamans lack strong crowd control abilities.
However, the hourly self-rez makes corpse-running a rarity. Priests begin leveling very slowly. Downtime is high from the start. But after hitting level 15 and maxing out the Spirit Tap talent , leveling becomes faster. Less downtime is a big help, so I chose spirit over intellect while climbing through the lower levels to maximize my mana regeneration. PW:Shielding helps survivablity, but it's not very mana efficient.
However, Mind Flay happens to be one of the most mana-efficient damage spells in the game and the slowing effect is a major plus. Priest crowd control is limited, but can be a lifesaver when timed right. This reduces the effectiveness of Spirit Tap and lengthens downtime, but it's worth it for the improved damage and mana pool. There's a honeymoon period as a shadow priest from where you're nearly unstoppable in PvE and a force to be reckoned with in PvP.
But by 50, your DPS tends to level off and the glory days of your 40s come to an end. By level 55, even with a very heavy shadow spec, shadow priests simply can't compare to DPS-specced mages and warlocks, prompting me to stick priests in the 7 spot. Like warriors, priests are always in demand. Much of my leveling with priests involves running instances often and that definitely gives at least a modest boost to leveling speed.
In my original guide, I put paladin 9th. However, after switching from a heavy Retribution build to a Protection AoE grinding build at the suggestion of a WarcraftPets. The AoE grinding build makes it easy to take on four to six melee mobs at once. And these mobs are at or even slightly above my level. My DPS is still the lowest of all the classes, but when you're killing six things at once, it doesn't really matter.
There is virtually no downtime with this build, as I end most fights at near to full health and mana. And the pally's lackluster crowd control isn't really a limitation for this build.
Of course, the drawback of this spec is that it's weak to ranged mobs and casters. Plus it's painfully slow when killing just one mob.
What's that? This build is ideal for grinding mobs fast and earning quick gold and XP, but it's tough for questing. And since I enjoy that aspect of the game, I continue to quest with my pally and balance it with AoE grinding. But that would get a little too monotonous for my taste.
Of course, this build also makes me an amazing tank in instances, which can provide another enjoyable change of pace. A good Feral-Resto build provides some wonderful opportunities for instance runs.
People always need a tank or healer. This build allows me to fill either role with ease. True, you need to keep two sets of gear handy, but the versatility in groups is worth the loss of bag space. Overall, I find leveling a druid to be fun and fast, with virtually no downtime. You regenerate mana in your feral forms and you can heal up quickly in your caster form and shift right back to feral to fight some more. And with an arsenal of powerful healing spells, decent CC, plus the armor of bear form, survivability is almost never a problem.
Some people would probably rank a mage as number 2 or 3 in this list. While Breanni my mage and the host of this site can take mobs down faster than any of my other characters, she can only do so at the cost of mana.
So the downtime is what keeps mages at the 4 spot. Even with mana efficiency boosting talents from the Arcane tree, mages still have to endure considerable downtime at least every fourth or fifth fight.
Originally, I had leveled as a frost mage. I enjoyed the added survivability with Ice Shield and the ability to kill multiple mobs with chain Blizzards was also a plus. Granted, I lack the survivability I once had, but I really don't miss it since I can sheep adds and down most mobs in three or four hits. This prompted me to reposition mages from 5 to 4 in this list. The big drawback of the mage remains their fragility. A few unlucky resists during a bad pull and you may find yourself doing a corpse-run.
To combat this, I tend to bandage up while staring down frozen or sheeped mobs. Warlocks are all about fluidity. Mana is damage damage is life life is mana. This flexibility allows warlocks to level quickly with very little downtime. Not to mention the amazing array of crowd control abilities at their disposal. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards World of Warcraft Morale Boost quest help.
User Info: Spectre FC TC is so cool I wanna stick my lemonade in him to keep it chill this summer. User Info: Komania.
He's right near the entrance. User Info: JohnPThompson. Ace is no ware near the entrance. On you way in you will go down a large wooden ram. When you get to the bottom continue forward until you have to go left or right.